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God's Love Is So Much Greater Than a Valentine

Decorated box with heart cutout on a wooden surface, pink and white pattern. Blurred red and pink heart decor hangs in the background for Valentine's day

Do you remember Valentine's Day in school?

Do you remember those little paper valentines from elementary school (If you’re still giving your wife just one of those, it may be time for an upgrade 😉)? Each year you’d take a shoe box & deck it out with construction paper, markers, and paint & if you were a fancy girl you might even use glitter. You would set it on the end of your desk with a hole in the top, & on Valentine’s Day, you’d wait for it to be filled up.

As that morning unfolded, all the students would arrive with a backpack full of valentines to share. Some would feature the latest cartoon characters. Others would have a box of heart candies attached. Some would have special notes inside. Most would just have something written in the “TO:” and “FROM:”. Your teacher would then give everyone a chance to place those valentines in each other’s boxes. I don’t know about you, but I would almost always be waiting for a special valentine to land in my box.

I would pass mine out and then return to my desk and wait. As soon as the teacher said we could, I would bust my box open. I was happy to see candy when it was there. I enjoyed seeing my friends’ valentines too. But I was hunting in that box. Hunting for what?— A valentine from whoever my crush was at the time, of course (by the way Sheila and I didn’t really know each other back then… love you, honey!) Because that girl’s attention meant the most to me. That didn’t mean I didn’t care about the others, but I cared about hers the most. I was happy to have a box full, but I wanted hers above all the rest.

You know, I’m so glad that our God isn’t this way. Unlike little William & his crush of the week, God doesn’t see us this way. When we bring true affection and worship to God, however many others might & whomever they might be, He treasures it all the same. He loves us all the same & nothing will change that. Romans 8:38-39 says this “38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

You see, God delights in your worship and affection for him. He is glorified in it, and if it comes from a true and sincere heart, He is blessed by it. Beyond this, he means for us to demonstrate that same type of love. He does not mean for us to search for love from some people & ignore it from others like I did in that Valentine’s box. He means for us to love one another and treat each other the same because that’s what he’s done for us.

As you think on this, I want to encourage you. God loves you and you are measurably valuable to him– and by what measure? He gave his son to die in your place. As you reflect on this great love, demonstrate it equally to others. Make time to tell them of Christ. Be purposeful to connect. Give special attention to those who might not normally experience love. And as you do, join us here as we worship God together and strive to love one another.

Inside this month's newsletter you'll see mention of Bring a Friend Sunday– a time to connect your friends with our church, so invite them! There is a canned food drive coming up, a chance to show love to those in need! You will have a chance to bring someone to our March Bible Study as we listen together about God’s love for us- so join us and join each other as we join together with our God.

With great love for you and Him,


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