Start Here
Have you been searching for a church to call home, and a place to belong? We are so glad you found us, and we would love to have you visit us! Whether you’ve been out of church for a few months, out of church for 20+ years, or have never even been to church, it’s not always easy to know what to expect when visiting a church for the first time. If you’re thinking about visiting us, we want to make sure you know what to expect, and feel comfortable coming by! Here’s everyting that you can look forward to.
Welcome, History & Overview of Starnes Cove
We would absolutely love for you to visit us on a Sunday or Wednesday. We’re located in West Asheville, some even consider us to be in Candler- we’re that close. We’re located at 149 Starnes Cove Rd, in Asheville, 28806, just up behind the Cracker Barrel on Smokey Park Highway. We are a body of believers who join together in worship and ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. Our church was established in 1941, out of a little tent revival at the intersection of Starnes Cove Road and Holbrook Road. You can read more about the history and story of our church here!
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:50 am, immediately following Sunday School, which starts at 9:45 am. There is a Sunday School class for everyone, from babies to the eldest, and we have a spot for you. On Wednesdays, our Wednesday night service— that we call “Adult Discipleship”, starts at 7:15 pm and ends at 8 pm. Cove Kids, our children’s ministry, and our Cove Students Ministry both start at 6:30 pm and end at 8 pm as well. During the summer, Cove Students starts at 6:00 pm, and lasts until 8:00 pm. Nursery care is provided on Wednesday nights as well for the little ones from 6 weeks old, to two years old.
Sunday Mornings
Parking & Sunday School
On a Sunday morning, you can expect to be greeted by our ushers at each entrance, as well as our Welcome Team. There will also be someone in the parking lot to help you find parking in each of our lots. If you aren’t sure what Sunday School class you should be in, just speak with someone from our Welcome Team, and they will be there to assist you and guide you in the right direction. If you have children, someone can escort you to the nursery, or if they’re three years old or older, to their designated children’s Sunday School class.
If you have pre-teens and/or teenagers, from 6th grade up through 12th grade, they can head upstairs to join our Cove Students, for a lesson, some prayer, and good discussion before heading downstairs for Sunday morning service!
As for Adults, we have classes for everyone and every age group, with most classes being co-ed, and a few classes just for men, and just for women. Someone from our Welcome Team will help you find out which class you belong in!
Service Information
Service starts at 10:50 am, and ends at 12pm. As you head into the sanctuary, you can pick up this Sunday’s bulletin, where you’ll find info such as important updates on upcoming church events, service projects, or news that’s happening in the church this week or this upcoming month. Also in your bulletin, you’ll find a tear-out where you can fill out your information, as a visitor. This small piece of paper just lets us know who you are, and that you’re visiting our church so that we can reach out to you and talk with you more, even after Sunday is long over. We truly enjoy connecting with our guests and hope that you’ll find that you'd like to start attending our services regularly, and hopefully, eventually become a member!
Dress Code & Bible Versions
If you’ve been thinking about coming to one of our Sunday morning church services, we would love to have you and the opportunity to get to know you and your family. If you’d like to listen to or watch a few sermons before your visit, be our guest— you can listen along podcast-style, or watch live on our YouTube channel. As far as dress code goes, you’ll find that some folks like to come really dressed up in a suit and tie or dresses and high heels, and others like to dress a bit more casual, like in a sweater and khakis, or a button-up or polo and jeans. There is not a strict dress code- come as you are! Our pastor, William Moore, usually preaches out of the ESV (English Standard Version) version of the Bible, but occasionally references other versions of the Bible as well. You’re welcome to bring your hard copy of the Bible or your app version of the Bible, and we also have copies of the Bible in each pew. Feel free to use whichever copy you prefer!
Community Groups
Looking for some place to belong, grow in your faith, and cultivate Christian friendships, outside of Wedneday evenings and Sunday mornings? We would love to have you join one of our Community Groups. At this time, we have two Community Groups, one is our College and Career class, and one is our Young Adult class! Both have the same structure, but are just different age groups.
Our Young Adult Community Group (YACG) consists of men and women from age 25 - 45, and meets on Sunday evenings from 4 - 6 pm at our Sunday School teachers' home, Lee and Meghann Pegram. We have some snacks, spend some time catching up, talking, laughing, and fellowshipping, followed by a time of intentional discussion where we recap that morning's sermon, and talk about how we can actually live out what we learned and apply it to our lives. If you have kids, bring them with you! All the kids typically play together (outside if the weather is nice!) and have fun while we are in our groups!
Our College and Career Community Group (CCCG) consists of guys and girls who are in college, or are college age, 18 - 24, and meets on Sunday evenings, led by Sheila Moore, from 6 - 8 pm at the church, also having time to talk, laugh, eat some snacks, and catch up, followed by the same in-depth discussion time about that morning's sermon!
Community Groups are designed for more intentional learning and fellowship, outside of corporate worship that happens on Sundays and Wednesdays. In the early church, they met outside of their regular time of corporate worship, in order to build upon their relationships with one another, do life together, and ultimately dive deeper into the Word, and that is the model we try and follow with our Community Groups.
Wednesday Evenings
Nursery Care
I would be amiss if I didn’t tell you what wonderful people we have that keep nursery on Wednesdays (and Sundays!) On Wednesdays, nursery care is provided for babies from 6 weeks of age to 2 years of age. We’ve got toys, books, music, puzzles, and more, and most importantly, we’ve got some incredible people to love on and take care of your children! In our experience, most babies get used to being in the nursery without mom and dad, after just a few weeks! If you have any questions about our nursery care, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
With each child, whether they're 6 weeks old, or 18 years old, we make sure that we have you as their parent or guardian fill out a form with emergency contact info, allergies, special notes, and more, to ensure that we can provide the best care for your child. We also make sure that each of our children's and student volunteers have gone through a background check, to ensure the safety of all the kids in our care.
Cove Kids
Wednesday evenings are always busy here at Starnes Cove! Especially when it comes to our Cove Kids and Cove Students! Typically, once Buncombe County Schools has started back to school for the year in August, we have our Wednesday Night Kick-Off, and Cove Kids is back in session (As well as our free Wednesday Night suppers!) Cove Kids starts up for the year when Buncombe County Schools start their school year and ends when school lets out for the summer. We typically follow that same schedule when it comes to snow days, teacher workdays, and other closures. You can sign up for our email list if you'd like to be notified about and cancellations for our services, events, or other programs, by reaching out to our office.
Cove Kids starts at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights and ends at 8 pm (as well as our Cove Students!) Cove Kids is for children from preschool through fifth grade. The kids are split up into three classes by grade in school— preschool and kindergarten age, first, second and third graders, and then fourth and fifth graders. One to two teachers are assigned for each of those three classes, and they stay with the kids throughout the entire night. Our night typically starts out with all the kids together to hear the Bible story, then, we split up into our classes, do some fun activities that relate to the story, dive deeper and give the kids a chance to ask questions, and then we end the night with some fun games.
If it’s your child’s first time attending on a Wednesday night, we will send them home with an information sheet for you to fill out and bring back— info such as emergency contact info, any known allergies, and other important notes that just helps us get to know your child a little better!
Cove Students Ministry
We are blessed to have some incredible leaders teaching our students, being taught and overseen by our Student Ministry Director, Joshua Davis! At any given time, we have 20-25+ students on Wednesday nights, and they meet at 6:30 pm during the school year, and 6 pm during the summer. They have a lesson, play some games, have live worship, good discussion times, hear the Word from our Student Ministry Director, Joshua, and pray. Cove Students is for 6th graders, through 12th graders. Outside of Sundays and Wednesdays, Cove Students get together regularly for fun events and outings!
Adult Discipleship
We call our Wednesday night service our Adult Discipleship service, and these are typically more laid back and interactive than our Sunday services. As you’re coming into the sanctuary on a Wednesday night, you can pick up a copy of our Prayer Guide, which is a list of prayer requests in the church, and in the community that we’re currently praying for. Once we’re all seated, we’ll briefly go over any new news, or upcoming events, go over the Prayer Guide, and see if there have been any updates on some of the people or places we’ve been praying for, give folks the opportunity to add new names to the prayer request list, and then we follow all of this with a time of prayer. After prayer, our pastor will read out of the Scripture, with a brief lesson from whatever current series we’ve been studying throughout the Bible. Adult Discipleship is for anyone who is college-age or older.